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How to Pack Cleaning Products When Moving House

Posted on 10/11/2020

Simple Ways To Packing Cleaning Products For Moving House

When packing for moving house, there are some products we often don’t think about and this usually includes cleaning products. The problem is, packing cleaning products isn’t as simple as putting them in a box because many are actually illegal for the removal company to transport. This is usually because some items are both extremely corrosive and flammable. Therefore, if they were to spill, a huge amount of damage could be caused and it could become a serious health hazard. Here are some tips to keep in mind while packing your cleaning products for moving house.

Cleaning fluid
It’s illegal for your removal company to transport cleaning fluid, especially liquid bleach, and therefore you shouldn’t pack this. Make sure to use it up before moving day or give it to a friend or family member to use up. If you’re unsure of whether you can bring a particular fluid with you or not, there are guidelines online which you can look up and read. This way, you can make an informed decision. There are also many other items that your movers are prohibited from loading onto the removal van so ensure you haven’t packed any of these and organise alternative transport or disposal via your council.

Cleaning wipes
If you have cleaning wipes, it can be frustrating when the opening label peels off, thus drying out the cleaning wipes inside and rendering them almost useless. Before moving, secure the label with some tape and pack them against other items to keep them airtight.

If the wipes do dry out, a handy tip is to add a little bit of water to the wipes to dampen them and make them useful again. Although it’s not quite as effective as preventing the wipes from drying out in the first place, it means they’re not completely wasted, as these wipes can be expensive.

Throw away any dirty cloths as there’s no point in potentially transporting bacteria from your old house to your new one. Any clean but damp clothes need to dry properly before packing, otherwise they can breed bacteria and get that damp cloth smell, which isn’t pleasant. Clean, dry cloths can be packed flat in boxes, or alternatively used as padding for other more delicate items.

Similar to cloths, sponges need to be clean and completely dry when packed away. An effective way of cleaning your sponges is to wet them thoroughly and then put them in the microwave for at least a minute. This will not only clean the sponge but will also kill any bacteria which has built up. Once the sponge has cooled, you can rinse it under the tap again, wring it out and allow to dry before packing. There are also other methods, like putting it in the dishwasher. However, if your sponge is especially dirty, it might be wiser just to throw it away and get some new ones when you’ve moved into your new house.Sponges are light weight and pliable so will pack easily into any box.

Washing up liquid
The last thing you need is a washing up liquid spillage in a box. Not only will it waste the product and potentially ruin your other belongings, it can also make the box soggy and prone to tears. With cleaning product like this, make sure you tape down the lid and, for good measure, put in a separate bag within the box it’s packed in. Make sure it’s propped up against other products so it reminds upright, even on a rough journey.

Mark Howe
Mark Howe

Mark, leveraging his wealth of expertise in removals, stands out for his proficiency in creating informative articles that cover a spectrum of removals aspects, providing valuable tips for both home and office relocations. His invaluable assistance has been instrumental in facilitating stress-free moves for hundreds of individuals.